IBM Books

Nways Manager for AIX-LAN Network Manager/I.H.M.P. User's Guide

Managing SNMP Bridges

LAN Network Manager enables you to manage SNMP bridges that interconnect segments. LAN Network Manager uses its SNMP bridge application to send bridge management instructions and to receive bridge status changes. LAN Network Manager manages bridges that support RFC 1286 or 1493, and RFC 1213 (MIB II), such as the IBM 8229, the 8250, the 6611, 8281, and OEM bridges. In addition to bridges, switches that implement the bridge MIB (1493) also can be managed. You can display a submap showing a graphical representation of a bridge, and display profile, configuration, fault, and performance information for bridges, bridge interfaces, and bridge ports.

Specifically, this chapter describes:

SNMP Bridge Discovery

SNMP bridges are discovered in the following ways when LAN Network Manager is started:

As bridges are discovered, they are placed into various subnets, which show the bridges and the segments that they interconnect. The subnets they are put into depend on the characteristics of the bridge, its current status, and its spanning tree.

A new subnet is created if the bridge is in the spanning tree of a root bridge that has not been discovered. If the bridge is part of the spanning tree of a discovered root bridge, it is put into that bridge's subnet. When a bridge is not part of an active spanning tree, it is put into a standalone subnet, which contains one or more standalone bridges.

If a bridge cannot be discovered due to SNMP errors, the bridge is placed with other undiscovered bridges into a submap called Undiscovered Bridges. The status color of all undiscovered bridges in the Undiscovered Bridges submap is blue. If LAN Network Manager is later able to discover a bridge that is in the Undiscovered Bridges submap, for instance when polling the network, it is removed from the Undiscovered Submap and placed in the appropriate SNMP bridge subnet.

Displaying SNMP Bridges

The SNMP bridges in your network are displayed in the LAN Subnet submap. Each Subnet submap contains bridges in a particular spanning tree, and the segments which the bridges interconnect. The status of the bridges and segments are indicated by the color of their icon.

In some cases, a Subnet submap might show bridges and segments that are not connected.

In this case, Bridge 2 is put into the Undiscovered Bridges submap until LAN Network Manager is able to discover it.

Double-clicking on a bridge icon in the LAN Subnet submap displays a Bridge submap for that bridge.

The Bridge submap shows a graphical representation of the bridge with icons representing the bridge and the bridge interfaces of that bridge. Double-clicking on one of the interface icons displays an interface submap of an interface and the port or ports it is operating on. Read Displaying SNMP Bridge Interfaces and Ports for more information about bridge interfaces and ports.

To display management windows for a bridge, select a bridge icon from the LAN Subnet submap or Bridge submap and select an action from the LAN pull-down or LAN context menu. Depending on the type of bridge, you can display and change profile, configuration, fault, and performance information for the bridge through the management information windows.

The merging function of LAN Network Manager simplifies the graphical representation of the network by combining overlapping views provided by different SNMP-managed agents. If you have SNMP agent programs in your network, such as token-ring surrogate and RMON agents, the merging function integrates the information provided by these SNMP agents with information maintained by your SNMP-managed bridges. If LAN Network Manager recognizes a segment that is attached to a bridge, the Segment submap is moved to the Bridge submap, so that you can access information about the bridge and the segment from the same submap. You can also navigate to a view of the segment stations from the Bridge submap.

Displaying SNMP Bridge Interfaces and Ports

When you double-click on a interface icon in the Bridge submap, the Interface submap for that interface is displayed.

The interface submap contains port and interface icons.

The port icon represents the port or ports the selected bridge interface is operating on. Depending on the type of bridge, the following types of bridge ports can be displayed:

If the selected interface is operating on more than one port, an icon for each port is displayed in the Interface submap.

The interface icon represents a specific interface that is operating on the bridge. Depending on the type of bridge you have selected, the following types of bridge interfaces can be displayed:

Most of these interfaces are associated with a single bridge port. For frame relay and X.25 interfaces, more than one port can be associated with each interface.

Double-click on an interface icon in the Interface submap to display a node submap for the interface. This is similar to the Interface submap except that an icon is displayed for the interface, but not for the bridge ports. You can perform protocol-switching from either the interface or node submaps in the following ways:

To display management windows for a bridge interface, select an interface icon from the Bridge submap, the Interface submap, or the Node submap and then select an action from the LAN pull-down or LAN context menu. To display management windows for a bridge port, select the port icon from the Interface submap. Depending on the type of interface or port you select, you can display and change profile, configuration, fault, and performance information for the interface or port through the management information windows.

Displaying SNMP Bridge Information

View and change specific information about SNMP bridges using the SNMP bridge profile, configuration, fault, and performance management windows. The exact type of information displayed on each of these windows varies depending on the type of bridge you have selected.
For information about: Read:
Bridge profile Bridge Profile Information
Bridge configuration Bridge Configuration Information
Bridge fault Bridge Fault Information
Bridge performance Bridge Performance Information

Bridge Profile Information

Profile information for a selected bridge is displayed on the Bridge Profile window. This window displays a description of the bridge and contains fields that enable you to provide information about the name, location, and contact person for the bridge.

To poll the selected bridge, select Poll from the Actions pull-down menu on the Bridge Profile window. Read Polling a Bridge for more information.

To display the profile information for a bridge, select the bridge, then select Profile from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

You can display profile information for any type of SNMP bridge.

Polling a Bridge

To poll a selected bridge, select Poll from the Actions pull-down menu on the Bridge Profile, Configuration, or Fault windows. When you select Poll, LAN Network Manager checks the status of the selected bridge. If the bridge is down, LAN Network Manager rediscovers the bridge.

LAN Network Manager also automatically polls all bridges at the defined polling interval, which you can set when you configure the SNMP bridge application. The default polling interval is 5 minutes.

Bridge Configuration Information

Display and change basic information for a bridge on the Bridge Configuration window. This window displays information about the type of bridge and the protocol the bridge is using.

To poll the selected bridge, select Poll from the Actions pull-down menu on the Bridge Configuration window. Read Polling a Bridge for more information.

To display the configuration information for a bridge, select the bridge, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

To display a window with more information about the bridge spanning tree, select the Spanning tree push button.

To start a user-defined device configuration program, select the Device configuration push button. When you select the Device configuration push button, an AIX script file called lnmbrdevcfg (provided with LAN Network Manager) is called. By customizing the contents of this script file, you can use it to invoke device-specific configuration programs that you might already use to set up specific bridges.

For more information about starting a user-defined configuration program, see the lnmbrdevcfg file in the /usr/CML/bin directory.

Bridge Spanning Tree Configuration Information

The Bridge Spanning Tree window displays information related to the spanning tree for the selected bridge. In addition, you can modify the values for other parameters that affect the bridge and the selected spanning tree.

To display spanning tree information for a bridge, select the Spanning tree push button from the Bridge Configuration window.

Bridge Performance Information

Performance information for a bridge is displayed on the Bridge Performance window. The performance information displayed on this window depends on the type of bridge you have selected. Each window includes data that indicates how well the selected bridge is performing.

You can display the following types of bridge performance windows:

Source Route Performance

The Source Route Performance window displays information about the performance of the selected source route bridge. Performance is described in terms of frames transmitted, received, the total number of frames, and the frame ratio.

To display the source route performance information for a bridge, select the bridge, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

To display additional information about the bridge traffic for the selected bridge, select the Traffic analysis push button.

Transparent Bridging Performance

The Transparent Bridging Performance window displays information about the performance of the selected transparent bridge. Performance is described in terms of frames transmitted, received, the total number of frames, and the frame ratio.

To display the transparent bridging performance information for a bridge, select the bridge, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Source Route Transparent Bridge Performance

The Source Route Transparent Bridging Performance window displays information about the performance of the selected source route transparent bridge. Performance is described in terms of frames transmitted, received, the total number of frames, and the frame ratio.

To display performance information for a source route transparent bridge, select the bridge, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Source Route Traffic Analysis Information

The Source Route Traffic Analysis window displays traffic statistics for the selected source route bridge. The statistics provided on this window are the number of frames received and transmitted for specifically routed traffic, path explorer traffic, and spanning tree explorer traffic.

To display traffic analysis information for a source route bridge, select the Traffic analysis push button from the Source Route Performance window.

Bridge Fault Information

Basic fault information for a selected bridge is displayed on the General Fault window. This window displays information about the frames discarded by the selected bridge, including the ratio of discarded frames to total traffic.

Select the Type specific push button from the General Fault window to display additional fault information for the bridge you selected.

To poll the selected bridge, select Poll from the Actions pull-down menu on the Bridge Fault window. Read Polling a Bridge for more information.

To display general fault information for a bridge, select the bridge, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu. The General Fault window is displayed.

You can display the following types of bridge fault windows by selecting the Type specific push button on the General Fault:

Source Route Fault

The Source Route Fault window displays the number of discarded frames for the selected bridge, categorized by the reason the frames were discarded. The window also displays the ratio of discarded frames to total traffic.

Transparent Bridging Fault

The Transparent Bridging Fault window displays the number of discarded frames for the selected transparent bridge, categorized by the reason the frames were discarded. The window also displays the ratio of discarded frames to total traffic.

Source Route Transparent Fault

The Source Route Transparent Bridging Fault window displays the number of discarded frames for the selected source route transparent bridge, categorized by the reason the frames were discarded. The window also displays the ratio of discarded frames to total traffic.

Displaying SNMP Bridge Interface and Port Information

View and change specific information about SNMP bridge interfaces and ports using the SNMP bridge interface and port management windows. Information about your SNMP bridge interfaces and ports is displayed on the profile, configuration, fault, and performance windows. The exact type of information displayed on each of these windows varies depending on the type of bridge interface or port you have selected.
For information about: Read:
Bridge port profile Bridge Port Profile
Bridge interface and port configuration Bridge Port and Interface Configuration Information
Bridge port fault Bridge Port Fault Information
Bridge interface fault Bridge Interface Fault Information
Bridge interface and port performance Bridge Interface and Port Performance Information

Bridge Port Profile

Profile information for a selected bridge port is displayed on the Port Profile window. This window displays information about the bridge port such as the type and address of the port interface, whether the port is currently operational, and statistics related to the traffic that is passing through the port. In addition, for bridges that support the set function, you can select the port state.

Bridge Port and Interface Configuration Information

To display and change basic information for bridge ports and bridge interfaces, use the Port or Interface Configuration windows.

For source route ports, you can also display a window with more information about the bridge port spanning tree by selecting the Spanning tree push button from the Port Source Route window.

You can display the following types of bridge port and bridge interface configuration windows:

Source Route Configuration

Configuration information for the selected source route bridge port is displayed on the Port Source Route Configuration window.

To display the configuration information for a source route port, select the source route port, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

To display information about the bridge spanning tree, select the Spanning tree push button from the Port Source Route Configuration window.

Transparent Bridge Configuration

Configuration information for the selected transparent bridge port is displayed on the Transparent Configuration window.

To display the configuration information for a transparent bridge port, select the transparent bridge port, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

To display information about the bridge spanning tree, select the Spanning tree push button from the Transparent Configuration window.

Source Route Transparent Configuration

Configuration information for the selected source route transparent bridge port is displayed in the Source Route Transparent Configuration window.

To display the configuration information for a source route transparent port, select the source route transparent port, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

To display information about the bridge spanning tree, select the Spanning tree push button from the Source Route Transparent Configuration window.

X.25 Packet Interface Configuration

Configuration information for an X.25 packet bridge interface is displayed on the X.25 Packet Interface Configuration window. You can also open the following windows from the X.25 Packet Interface Configuration window:

To display the X.25 packet configuration information for an X.25 bridge interface, select the X.25 bridge interface, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

X.25 Packet Circuit Configuration

Configuration information for a specific X.25 packet bridge interface circuit is displayed on the X.25 Packet Interface Circuit Configuration window.

To display the X.25 packet circuit configuration information for an X.25 bridge interface, select an X.25 channel from the Circuit listbox on the X.25 Packet Interface Configuration window, and then select the Select push button next to the listbox. The X.25 Packet Circuit Configuration window is displayed.

X.25 Packet Call Parameters

You can display the call parameters for a specific X.25 packet bridge interface using the X.25 Packet Interface Call Parameters window.

To display the X.25 packet call parameters information for an X.25 bridge interface, select an X.25 channel from the Call listbox on the X.25 Packet Interface Configuration window, and then select the Select push button next to the listbox. The X.25 Packet Call Parameters window is displayed.

X.25 Packet Cleared Circuit

Information about the cleared circuit for an X.25 packet bridge interface is displayed on the X.25 Packet Interface Cleared Circuit window.

To display the X.25 packet cleared circuit information for an X.25 bridge interface, select an X.25 channel from the Cleared listbox on the X.25 Packet Interface Configuration window, and then select the Select push button next to the listbox. The X.25 Packet Cleared Circuit window is displayed.

X.25 LAPB Interface Configuration

To display the X.25 LAPB configuration information for an X.25 bridge interface, select the LAPB Configuration push button on the X.25 Packet Interface Configuration window. The X.25 LAPB Interface Configuration window is displayed.

DS1 Interface Configuration

The DS1 Interface Configuration window displays configuration information for the selected DS1 bridge interface.

To display the DS1 configuration information for a DS1 bridge interface, select the DS1 bridge interface, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Frame Relay Interface Configuration

Configuration information for the selected frame relay bridge interface is displayed on the Frame Relay Interface Configuration window.

To display the frame relay configuration information for a frame relay bridge interface, select the frame relay bridge interface, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Token-Ring Interface Configuration

Basic information for a token-ring bridge interface is displayed on the Token-Ring Interface Configuration window. This window displays general information about the token-ring segment the interface is attached to, as well as information related to timers.

To display the configuration information for a token-ring bridge interface, select the token-ring bridge interface, then select Configuration from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Port Spanning Tree Configuration Information

The Port Spanning Tree window displays information related to the spanning tree for the selected port. In addition, you can modify the port priority and the path cost for the spanning tree, and select whether the spanning tree is enabled for the selected port.

To display spanning tree information for a port, select the Spanning tree push button from the Configuration window of the port.

Bridge Port Fault Information

Basic fault information for a selected bridge port is displayed on the Port General Fault window. This window displays information about the frames discarded by the selected bridge port, including the ratio of discarded frames to total traffic.

In addition, you can select the Type specific push button from the Port General Fault window to display additional fault information for the bridge port you selected.

To display general fault information for a bridge port, select the bridge port, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu. The Port General Fault window is displayed.

You can display the following types of bridge port fault windows by selecting the Type specific push button on the General Fault window:

Source Route Port Fault

To display the source route fault information for a bridge port, select the source route bridge port, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Transparent Bridging Port Fault

To display the transparent bridging fault information for a bridge port, select the transparent bridging port, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Source Route Transparent Port Fault

To display the fault information for a source route transparent bridge port, select the source route transparent bridge port, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Bridge Interface Fault Information

Basic fault information for a selected bridge interface is displayed on the Interface Fault windows.

To display fault information for a bridge interface, select the bridge interface, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu. The fault window for the type of bridge interface you selected is displayed.

You can display the following types of bridge interface fault windows:

X.25 Packet Interface Fault

To display the X.25 packet fault information for an X.25 bridge interface, select the X.25 bridge interface, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

X.25 Packet Circuit Fault

To display the X.25 packet circuit fault information for an X.25 bridge interface, select an X.25 channel from the Circuit listbox on the X.25 Packet Interface Fault window, and then select the Select push button next to the listbox. The X.25 Packet Circuit Fault window is displayed.

X.25 LAPB Interface Fault

To display the X.25 LAPB interface fault information for an X.25 bridge interface, select the LAPB Fault push button on the X.25 Packet Interface Fault window. The X.25 LAPB Interface Fault window is displayed.

DS1 Interface Fault

The DS1 Interface Fault window displays fault information for the selected DS1 bridge interface.

To display the DS1 fault information for a DS1 bridge interface, select the DS1 bridge interface, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Frame Relay Interface Fault

The Frame Relay Interface Fault window displays the fault information for the selected frame relay bridge interface. The window displays the type of error last detected on this interface, as well as the contents of the error packet and the time at which the error was detected.

To display the frame relay fault information for a frame relay bridge interface, select the frame relay bridge interface, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Ethernet Interface Fault

The Ethernet Interface Fault window displays detailed fault information for the selected Ethernet bridge interface.

To display fault information for an Ethernet bridge interface, select the Ethernet bridge interface, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Token-Ring Interface Fault

The Token-Ring Interface Fault window displays fault information for the selected token-ring bridge interface.

To display the fault information for a token-ring bridge interface, select the token-ring bridge interface, then select Fault from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Bridge Interface and Port Performance Information

Performance information for a bridge port or bridge interface is displayed on the Port Performance and Interface Performance windows. The performance information displayed on these windows depends on the type of bridge port or bridge interface you have selected. Each window includes data that gives you an indication of how well the selected bridge port or interface is performing.

You can display the following types of bridge interface and port performance windows:

Source Route Port Performance

To display port source route performance information for a source route bridge port, select the source route bridge port, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Transparent Bridging Port Performance

To display the transparent bridging performance information for a bridge port, select the transparent bridge port, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Source Route Transparent Bridge Port Performance

To display performance information for an source route transparent bridge port, select the source route transparent bridge port, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

X.25 Packet Interface Performance

To display the X.25 packet performance information for an X.25 bridge interface, select the X.25 bridge interface, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

X.25 Packet Circuit Performance

To display the X.25 packet circuit performance information for an X.25 bridge interface, select an X.25 channel from the Circuit listbox on the X.25 Packet Interface Performance window, and then select the Select push button next to the listbox. The X.25 Packet Circuit Performance window is displayed.

X.25 LAPB Interface Performance

To display the X.25 LAPB performance information for an X.25 bridge interface, select the LAPB Performance push button on the X.25 Packet Interface Performance window. The X.25 LAPB Interface Performance window is displayed.

DS1 Interface Performance

The DS1 Interface Performance window displays performance information for the selected DS1 bridge interface.

To display the DS1 performance information for a DS1 bridge interface, select the DS1 bridge interface, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Frame Relay Interface Performance

The Frame Relay Interface Performance window displays information about the performance of the DLCI associated with the selected frame relay bridge interface. Performance is described in terms of the frames and octets that pass through the bridge interface.

To display the frame relay performance information for a frame relay bridge interface, select the frame relay bridge interface, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu. The Frame Relay DLCI Circuits window is displayed. Select the DLCI circuit for which you want performance information from the listbox, then select the Select push button next to the listbox.

RS232 Interface Performance

The RS232 Interface Performance window displays information about the performance of the selected RS232 bridge interface. Performance is described in terms of input signals and input speeds.

To display the RS232 performance information for an RS232 bridge interface, select the RS232 bridge interface, select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

Token-Ring Interface Performance

The Token-Ring Interface Performance window displays performance information for the selected token-ring bridge interface.

To display the performance information for a token-ring bridge interface, select the token-ring bridge interface, then select Performance from either the LAN pull-down menu or the context menu.

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